
Ali's love of all things science and math is certainly genetic, and follows a family tradition as both her father, Michael Seidenstein and her late Grandfather Harold Seidenstein are both Orthopedic Surgeons.   Her passion to teach is inspired by her mother, Shelley Seidenstein whose beauty, grace and patience as special needs teacher, artist and philanthropist is truly radiant. 

Ali teaches for the department of chemical and biological Engineering at NYU's engineering school. Her classes include Cellular Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Genetic Engineering and biostatistics.  Her love of animals led her to focus her research projects on the use of computer technology and bioinformatics, since animal testing is not used. The majority of her research has been in modeling of proteins and ion channels in the brain, specifically focusing Parkinson's Disease and Epilepsy.

She has recently joined the BlueStone Clinic at NYU-Dental School where she is investigating the epigenetic links to PTSD and women. 

Previously she has designed and implemented Ashtanga Yoga Therapy Courses for undergraduate students. The focus of these classes has been the physiological benefits of the primary series.  The courses break down the therapeutic benefits of yoga to each physiologic system, in addition to highlighting certain pathologies such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, asthma,; and how they benefit from a  traditional Ashtanga practice. 

She is co-hosting the Yoga and Science conference January 2019, and has recently taken on the designing of an online course that focuses on yoga and physiology.